Fundamentals of Taxation 2020 Edition 13th Cruz Test Bank and Solution Manual
Fundamentals of Taxation 2020 Edition 13th Edition By Ana Cruz Test Bank and Solution Manual

Fundamentals of Taxation 2020 Edition 13th Edition By Ana Cruz Test Bank and Solution Manual
Test Bank and Instructor Solution Manual
- Paperback: 768 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill College; 13 edition (December 10, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1260483142
- ISBN-13: 978-1260483147
Copyright: 2020
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Fundamentals of Taxation 2020 Edition 13th Cruz Test Bank and Solution Manual
Fundamentals of Taxation 2020 Edition
13th Edition
ISBN10: 1259969622
ISBN13: 9781259969621
Copyright: 2020
- Connect Accounting: Reliable, intuitive, and rigorous learning management system – the market-leading digital solution.
- Follows the Form: Organized to follow the IRS tax forms, enabling students to understand tax law logic and obtain client information.
- Surgent Enrolled Agent Review: Partnership with Surgent Review provides 6-month free access to Part 1 of the Enrolled Agent exam review material to students.
Table of Contents
Ch. 1 Introduction to Taxation, the Income Tax Formula, and Form 1040
Ch. 2 Expanded Tax Formula, Form 1040, and Basic Concepts
Ch. 3 Gross Income: Inclusions and Exclusions
Ch. 4 Adjustments for Adjusted Gross Income
Ch. 5 Itemized Deductions
Ch. 6 Self-Employed Business Income (Line 12 of Schedule 1 and Schedule C)
Ch. 7 Capital Gains and Other Sales of Property (Schedule D and Form 4797)
Ch. 8 Rental Property, Royalties, and Income from Flow-Through Entities (Line 17, Schedule 1, and Schedule E)
Ch. 9 Tax Credits (Schedule 3, lines 48 through 54, and Schedule 5, lines 70 through 74)
Ch. 10 Payroll Taxes
Ch. 11 Retirement and Other Tax-Deferred Plans and Annuities
Ch. 12 Special Property Transactions
Ch. 13 At-Risk/Passive Activity Loss Rules and the Individual Alternative Minimum Tax
Ch. 14 Partnership Taxation
Ch. 15 Corporate Taxation
Appendix A: Amended Tax Returns (Form 1040X)
Appendix B: Comprehensive Problems
Appendix C: Concept Check Answers
Appendix D: IRS Tax Tables
Appendix E: IRS Tax Forms
Appendix F: 2018 Federal Income Tax
About the Author
Ana Cruz
Dr. Ana Cruz is Chair of the Business Department at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus, where she utilizes her extensive experience in the areas of general business, management, accounting, and taxes. She has worked in the service, retailing, and manufacturing industries, as well as in the federal government sector, where she served as a field examiner for the Internal Revenue Service. Dr. Cruz, a certified public accountant, has published several articles in business journals, has participated in several SACS On-Site Committees, and has received the Southeast Banking Corporation Foundation Endowed Teaching Chair (1998) and the Wolfson Senior Foundation Endowed Teaching Chair (2002). She was also named the Professor of the Year for the State of Florida by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education and the Carnegie Foundation (2005).
Michael Deschamps
Michael P. Deschamps received a bachelor of science degree in accounting, graduating magna cum laude from the University of San Diego, where he served as the chapter president for Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting honor society. After working in public accounting and obtaining his CPA license, he returned to San Diego State University, where he earned a master’s degree in taxation and a certificate in financial planning. In addition, he earned his Enrolled Agent Certificate in 2004. HE is currently the lead accounting instructor at MiraCosta College in Oceanside, CA, where he has developed a highly regarded tax program certified by the State of California. He is an active member of Teachers of Accounting at Two Year Colleges (TACTYC) and has been a frequent presenter on tax topics at the organization’s national conventions. He has also given presentations on tax issues to a variety of organizations.
Frederick Niswander
Dr. Frederick (Rick) Niswander is Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance at East Carolina University. He holds a doctor of philosophy degree from Texas A&M University and a bachelor of science in business administration degree from Idaho State University. He has taught introductory financial accounting, international accounting, intermediate accounting, and a graduate accounting course that encompasses taxation, financial, and governmental accounting. Prior to obtaining his doctorate and joining the ECU faculty in 1993, he was the chief financial officer of a privately held real estate company in Phoenix, Arizona, for eight years. Dr. Niswander first became a CPA in 1981 and has been a North Carolina CPA since 1994. He is a member of the North Carolina Association of CPAs, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the American Accounting Association. He has held leadership roles in the American Institute of CPAs including chair of the Board of Examiner and as a member of the AIPCA Board of Directors.
Debra Prendergast
Dr. Debra Prendergast has a doctor of philosophy degree in public policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a master’s of business administration degree from Governors State University, and a bachelor of arts degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting from Saint Xavier University in Chicago. She is a licensed and practicing certified public accountant in Illinois and a certified management accountant. She began her professional accounting career as a management advisory services consultant with Grant Thornton before taking a position as the controller for a corporation in Chicago. To spend more time with her family, she left her controller position in 1988 and began a 21-year career with Northwestern College. In 2010, Dr. Prendergast became the dean of Business, Mathematics, and Science at Prairie State College. She served as an officer on the board of Teachers of Accounting at Two Year Colleges (TACTYC) and on the Precertification Education Executive committee of the AICPA.
Dan Schisler
Dr. Dan Schisler is a Professor and Research Fellow in the Accounting Department at East Carolina University. He holds a doctor of philosophy degree from Memphis State University, a master’s degree in accounting- tax concentration from Auburn University, and a bachelor of science degree in accounting from Southeastern Louisiana University. In addition to public accounting experience with Peat Marwick Main & CO, Dr. Schisler has published numerous articles in national academic and practitioner journals such as Journal of the American Taxation Association, Advances in Taxation, and Accounting Horizons. HE teaching tax and accounting at the graduate and undergraduate levels at East Carolina, where he has been recognized for teaching excellence by numerous teaching awards at the department, school, and university levels. Dr. Schisler holds CPA certificates in North Carolina and Louisiana.
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